Tuesday 2 June 2015


Corporate culture plays a great role in the success of any organization but very few realize its importance.
The companies that achieve the best in this assessment had a clear mission statement and stated principles that are consistent internally and externally. Employees often take note of how the company covenants with users, clients, and external elements, as well as how they behave “within the walls” of the company.
People want to work with a company which trusts and respects its employees, the culture should emphasize on collaboration and cooperation among the employees. The strong vision of the company is the lifeline for your culture, e.g. in 1950 after the World War II, one company opened an office in a war torn building with a vision “Become the Company most known for changing the worldwide poor-quality image of Japanese products”. This vision was so strong and carried such a value that employees worked blood, sweat and tears because they believed in the vision and this built a strong corporate culture of innovation, creation and hard-work and they felt proud to work in a company which cares about Japan image and want to become one of the best. This company is still one of the leader in the industry, named SONY.  Now let’s take another example before moving to key factors. In 1950there was another company (Boeing) started with a vision: “Become the dominant player in commercial aircraft and bring the world into the jet age”. If you analyze both examples, you will find the similarity in it, both vision want to change the world and both vision have a great power to build a strong culture and provide a clear aim to achieve.


Deal and Kennedy's Cultural Framework

1982 book, "Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life," Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy proposed one of the first models of organizational culture. This model is old but as we say “OLD IS GOLD” it is still valid for any company.
Deal and Kennedy suggested that the basis of corporate culture was an interconnecting set of six cultural features:

Past –The traditions of the past keep people anchored to the core values that the organization was built on.

Principles and Beliefs – Cultural identity is formed around the mutual principles and the values that determine what the business stands for.

Ceremonies – Ceremonies are the things that employees do every day that bring them together.

Stories – Corporate stories epitomize corporation values, and capture dramatically the exploits of employees who personify these values in action. Stories let employees to learn about what is expected of them and better understand what the business stands for.

Heroic Figures – Related to stories are the employees and managers whose status is elevated because they embody organizational values. These heroes serve as role models and their words and actions signal the ideal to aspire to.

The Cultural Network – The informal network within an organization is often where the most important information is learned.

Factors to Improve

Have a Clear Vision:

As I mentioned above the importance of vision in corporate culture, facts shows that vision plays a vital role to improve the company culture. So focusing on vision statement will help you to improve your company culture, have dreams, aspirations, aims to achieve. Without an ultimate goal, no one will know what they are working for and this will cause motivation levels to dwindle. So as Lewis Carroll said “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

Team-Work makes the dream work:

Working as part of a team, in a culture that recognizes, rewards and values teamwork is a critical success factor for any company. The higher management has to lead by example and express the importance of teamwork and trying to fostering a culture of team-work. One of the easiest way is to organize team events, build a bond both inside and outside of work is extremely important for fostering a culture of team-work. Including 360 feedback is also helpful to understand how colleagues view each other as being team players. 

Company with a great communication:

Without great communication you cannot build a strong company culture, Top management need to set a clear direction, then continuously reinforce it. It should involve lower levels in the decision making process. Never makes decisions behind closed doors, share some information with your employees. CEO or Managing Director is not obliged to share confidential details, but he should never be dishonest in what he does reveal, because once the trust is lost then it is extremely difficult to rebuild it.
"Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can't get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn't even matter."
— Gilbert Amelio - President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp.

Reward, Recognition, and Excitement:

These 3 ingredients create a perfect recipe for high employee engagement culture in any company, In the absence of these ingredients you will never get a culture which encourages the employees to work efficiently. There should be a reward and recognition policy for employees and fun should be blended in this policy to make it exciting, the excitement is the essence of creativity and innovation. The company which allows its employee to try new things and think out of the box and forgives their honest mistakes, will eventually build a creative culture in the company.
“Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture”. -Ken Robinson
According to Accelir’s recent Rewards & Recognition: 2014 Trends Report, Accelir examines future trends in strategic employee rewards and recognition programs. The company’s summer 2013 survey showed that “less than half of the companies have programs that reward workers based on performance indicators.”
The report points to three major trends:

1.       Service awards moving towards early recognition

2.       Creating a culture of recognition.

3.       Rewards and recognition with social media

In-short, All employees should be treated equally with respect. The corporate culture begins at the top and therefore sharing the vision of the company’s future with the employees is very important.  Your hiring decisions need to reflect desired corporate culture. Two way communication is essential for prevailing corporate culture in the right direction. Collaborative work is a very important ingredient for the success of any company and this should reflect in the culture as well.



By Junaid Khan
Online Marketing Manager
Global Leading Conferences

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